Morris 2010 Fall/Winter Collection

As we go into the fall/winter season, always remember to stay warm but keep your look consistent, neat and exclusive:

"Focused on perfecting the prep look, Stockholm-based label Morris presents a look into its latest collection through a traditional look book and seasonal video. Undeniably inspired by the iconic works of Ralph Lauren, the collection places a European spin on what some would consider classic collegiate attire. Although an ode to yesteryear, we still sense a degree of contemporary styling amongst the collection. " 

For The Love Of.....


Meet Jermanie Clark....

Good now that you too guys are well acquainted. Jermaine is an up and coming artist out of St. Louis, Mo. His new website is titled

Copyright © 2009-2010 Handsomeℑoxic

Monster - Kanye West

So Kanye West being well ........Kanye deiced that now is his time, & in doing so his newest project that hes currently working on is called "Good Friday." He himself said that he will be releasing a new song every Friday. Cool idea right? Well Anywho if you haven't been living under a rock for the past couple of years, you know his beats are always sick and creative as well as the lyrics so the only thing to do now is choose a favorite song crank it.

Copyright © 2009-2010 Handsomeℑoxic